Mount Holly Newsflash 10/11/24

Mount Holly Newsflash

Today's Forecast: Sunny, with a high near 56. West wind around 10 mph.

Archived Newsflash emails can be read at:

Latest edition of the ChitChat

The members of Colfax lodge are holding a ham supper at the Odd Fellows Hall in Belmont on Saturday, October 12th. The meal starts at 5 p.m. and offers an eat-in or take-out option, with take-outs available at 4:45. The cost is $15., and $8 for those under 12 years old. Under 5 are free. Please call 802-259-2460.

Shrewsbury Conservation Commission Walk and Talk

A Naturalist's Tour of a Path in the Woods

On October 12 from 10:00 – 12:00, come stroll through a private forested trail that winds along parts of the Cold River and is rich with a variety of wildlife. Join SCC naturalist Linda Shelvey and homeowner Diane Jakobsen as they explore this rich habitat and demonstrate a variety of set ups with game cameras to capture photos and videos year round. In this home to moose, fisher, otter, bobcat, porcupines and others, we will examine habitat, tracks, and scat to identify their presence and plan game camera placement. Videos of successful video captures will be shared.

Come dressed for weather, rain or shine. The trail is sometimes wet in places and may require stepping over downed trees.

Meet at 555 Kieffer Road and park in the driveway and on the lawn. Car pooling encouraged. Please RSVP to to save a spot on this event.


'Twas the night before Cider Days, when all through The house not a creature was stirring, not even a Mouse, (or a moose or a bear),
The photos were hung in the Community Room With care hoping that crowds of leaf peepers would Soon be there.

Mount Holly's volunteers were nestled all snug in Their beds while visions of Cider Day crowds Danced in their heads.

And mamas in their kerchiefs and papas in their Red Sox caps, had just settled their brains for long Autumn naps, When out on the Belmont green there Arose such a clatter,

Everyone sprang from their beds to see what was The matter.

Away to their windows they flew like a flash, tore Open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The sun on the breast of the newly mowed green
Gave the lustre of mid-day to all objects seen,
(And all breathed a sigh of relief because the Weather was fine).

When, what to their wondering eyes should appear, But bus loads of leaf peepers anxious to Sample Cider Days cheer.

With little old bus drivers, so lively and quick,
All knew in a moment getting out of bed would Have to be quick.
More rapid than eagles the leaf peepers they came,
And they whistled, and shouted, and went by every Odd name;
"Now, Rasher! now, Lancer! now, Crancer And Nixon! On, Flanet! on, Tepid! on, Bounder and Flixen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! The Crowds were there ready to adore Vermont's fall.

But as the weekend sadly did close the visitors Sprang to their cars, their e-bikes and buses, all Agreeing that coming back next year was a Mustus*.

*Mustus, defined as a word made up to end this Cider Days ditty.